Appraisal Low-Rating Indicator

appraisal facts and reasons



This is a very wide topic on which we can write an entire book, but the scope here is how you can identify that you are on the radar and what to do about it.  Below are the indicators which will help you identify if your performance is not up to the mark

Low-Rating Indicators

unmet goals during appraisal

Unmet Goals​​​

The first and probably most easy sign is that if you are not meeting your goals. You set out certain goals yourself and some are assigned to you. In case you are unable to meet the set goals, this is a strong indicator. Of Course, there could be reasons, and those need to be explained.

Frequent miss

Frequent Deadline Misses​​

Don’t assume that if you are not assigned critical work, things are normal. If someone is not assigned business-critical tasks with deadlines, it may show that the manager doesn’t trust the capability of delivering quality work on time. You need to notice the pattern and see if it’s happening more frequently. This needs to be fixed, Management should trust you in delegating critical tasks else it will lead to poor performance ratings.


Too Dependent

If you rely too heavily on others to complete work meant to be done by you. Your goals may be getting met, but if your manager finds out that you are relying too much on other team members then it won’t show you in a good light because you are wasting the productive time of other people in doing what you should be doing. This is a strong indicator and you need to figure out the lacuna between yourself and the coworkers and improve upon it.

bad-quality in work

Poor Quality Of Work

This will happen in case if your previous deliverables were not up to the mark on quality standards.
If there’s a good reason why there were defects in your earlier work, do present your case.


Technical/Functional Pedigree

In case there have been instances where you were unable to handle complex work, your manager may start considering that you are incapable of completing complex tasks.

This will have a very bad impact as it’s related to your competence in doing things.


Uncollaborative Working Style

If there is a perception that you are difficult to work with as a team member or reporting manager, it will harm you in many ways.

Collaborative working is something that most companies emphasize.

client escalations


Escalations do happen with almost everyone and are hard to avoid. What matters is what you do to avoid unneeded escalations and your approach after the escalation has been made.
Escalations do play a strong role to assess performance. Some of the metrics against which organizations measure performance are the number of escalations and how well was the escalation handled.

communication failure

Communication breakdown with the supervisor

It is another bad sign and requires discussion. Few people enjoy this phase of not being in the light and staying low but believe me it can bring a lot of trouble.


Picture of Menka Dwivedi

Menka Dwivedi

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