How to Get Job in USA, a question with every Job Aspirant looking to settle down in USA, but does not find suitable answer. Working in US is a common dream, who doesn’t want to experience different cultures, meet new people, and live a life of adventure in some far-flung part of the globe? Even better, experience working in US can be a powerful boost to your career, as employers value people with international experience.
Employers today only choose the best candidates, and often these are the graduates who have gained international experience by studying abroad. From knowledge of different cultures and international communication skills, to problem-solving skills and adaptability, here are ten of the top employment skills you can expect to gain as an US student.
- International Experience:
Graduates who have gained international experience by studying in US have obtained first-hand knowledge of another country’s culture and will be better prepared to understand the 21st century business world. - The ability to solve problems:
Studying in US strengthens people’s independence, resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. Employers will know that they will be able to rely on these future employees in a variety of situations. When faced with a problem, an individual must use their own initiative, draw on their personal experience and employ problem-solving skills on their own. - The ability to adjust:
Moving in US can be daunting and overwhelming. There is no doubt that relocating to another country, whether it’s for three months or three decades, is a challenge. Students who make the most of opportunities to study in a new place strengthen their ability to adapt. Some do this very quickly, allowing them to enjoy their time studying from very early on. Others may initially take longer, however, the more they move and challenge themselves, the more easily they adjust. - The ability to learn multiple languages:
Living abroad is the perfect opportunity to develop your language skills, a key asset in today’s ever-more globalized world. The chance to constantly hear others speaking a new language and to use it on a daily basis is rare, and one that can be greatly taken advantage of in order to advance your employment skills. - Better communication skills:
Having to communicate in another language, whether it is the language of your destination or the universal business language, English, increases confidence levels and improves networking and communication skills, adding to your overall employment skills. Learning about the art, cuisine and history of another culture develops your understanding of others; something vital to working and succeeding in the global business world. - Knowledge about the industry:
International opportunities are not created equal, and neither are industries. In more creative fields, such as media, journalism, PR, and advertising, international opportunities are not as frequent. If you’re interested in these fields, it’s best to network directly with someone in anAmerican office of a company you’d like to work for. - Co-operation:
Cooperation in the workplace can make the difference between success and failure for many businesses. In a cooperation-rich workplace, individuals voluntarily engage in open communication. Management and lower-level employees work together and try to keep arguments to a minimum. Workers are proactive in the sense that they try to prevent problems before they have a chance to occur. Cooperation is not always an easy thing to achieve in the workplace in US, but it is worth the effort because it leads to a more harmonious and productive operation. - Sensitivity to other culture:
Workplace sensitivity is about ensuring that everyone in the workplace is respected and treated appropriately, regardless of what country they belong to. It also involves learning to be respectful and consider the perspectives of others. - Interpersonal communication skills:
Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills are vital to success in life. Being able to show that you can write concisely and with clarity is a key skill. Likewise being able to converse in a confident and effective manner with others from a wide range of backgrounds is a key requirement in life as well as work. Being able to demonstrate to employers good written and interpersonal skills would demonstrate convincingly to an employer that you have an essential basic life-skill. - Team-work:
There is no single definition of team but generally agreed definition of team is group of people with a different technical knowledge who join each other to achieve a common objectives or goal. Teamwork is all about being able to operate smoothly and efficiently within a group in a foreign atmosphere.