What Skills You Need before Joining IIM

What Should You Do Before Joining A B-School



Although MBA is a new stream and a tough course to learn and understand, Faculties at Colleges will teach you in a way so that you can easily grasp the Challenging concepts and implement them during assignments. But there is only one constrain Time, You will not get sufficient time to learn, understand  and practice new skills, which are must for any MBA student to know, while also busy in the academic calendar and doing time-consuming assignments simultaneously.

Every prospective student aspiring to get enrolled into IIM for  MBA  must cater to a certain set of requisite skills and abilities. This expertise would eventually guide him or her to survive and excel in this academic environment and then gradually channelize them onto a professional trajectory. Here are the skills that you should develop before you register your name into a B-school.

  1. Communication skills and soft skills:

Effective communication skills are the key to faring well in an MBA school. Possessing good communication skills is a mandatory ability that the course would require as business and management function on the basis of your communicative, convincing, and oratory strategies. Moreover, soft skills (that spring from communicative skills), contribute to generating effective group discussions, interviews and other such events, which directly place you in a higher professional and academic sphere. Hence, every student must add a visible finesse to their inter-personal and intra-personal communication skills. This ability majorly plays a pivotal role in terms of job placements wherein various corporates and companies judge and assess your value and professionalism according to the way you communicate, and based on how you put across certain ideas and opinions.

  1. Technical skills:

Ensure that you are extremely proficient and well-versed with the various technical innovations, programs and software packages, and have developed a substantial amount of experience in building your skills to your strengths. These skills can constitute a working knowledge of MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Statistical Analysis and Tools, Outlook Mail, Financial Software Tools like Bloomberg, etc. Technical knowledge hence gives you an academic and professional edge to your abilities.

  1. Leadership skills:

When you give interviews and claim to have graduated from an MBA school, most firms and companies aim to test your major strengths. Amongst these strengths, good leadership skills rank at the top of their expectations. Students with a leadership quality project an element of responsibility, and organizational, team building and management skills as well that they would further implement into their professional field.

  1. Organizational skills:

Studying in a B-school and pursuing an MBA could be a tedious and extremely demanding course. Consequently, unless you plan out and adopt a systematic, methodical and an oriented approach, it would be stressful to cope up with the schedule, studies, assignments, and preparations. Developing organizational skills would not only help you survive and excel in the academic domain but also lead you towards professional excellence that interviewers are in pursuit of. Furthermore, they enhance your problem solving and thinking skills that can be executed actively. Organizational abilities are the key to success and hence, must be catered to before enrolling in the course and it promises a smooth intellectual journey.

  1. Corporate awareness skills:

You must be well aware that pursuing an MBA endows upon you opportunity of working in renowned enterprises and creates a path of high profile careers.  Therefore, to mold yourself to be worthy of such prospective career opportunities, you must train yourself in building and acquainting yourself with various corporate skills. Such skills involve an efficient work ethic, diligence, punctuality, organization, management and perseverance.

Building on these skills ensures success in your academic and professional fronts, and thus it is always recommended that you develop these skills that chalk out lucrative opportunities for you and refine you towards achieving them.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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