Why you are fit for this Job Best Interview Answer

Why you are fit for this Job Best Interview Answer



Why you are fit for this Job ?” is one of the most asked interview questions, and also one of the most challenging to answer. To increase your chances of a job offer, you must provide a good answer that shows the interviewer that you’ve done your homework and how your experience is relevant to the company’s goals and priorities.

When an interviewer asks why you are the best candidate for this position, they don’t expect you to compare yourself to other candidates. By asking this question, the interviewer is comprehending how well you understand the job and how confident you are in your abilities.

By the time the interviewer gets to this question, they already know about your work history and skills, based on your resume and your conversation with them. Now they are looking for an indication that you have researched the company and the position and for you to convince them into how you can help meet the relevant goals.

Share an example of a time you successfully made a difference at a company and whenever possible, quantify the impact you made.

Review the job description and your resume and look for relevant skills and responsibilities. Then match your top skills with the top three-to-five job responsibilities, experience requirements, or characteristics requested, and explain how they match to the role.

Once you have shared your understanding of the position, relate how your experience is relatable not only with company priorities, but also with the organization’s mission, vision and values. Explain how you plan to put your experience to work.

Don’t hold back. Show your enthusiasm about joining and contributing to the company. Planning your answer in advance allows you to state your answer clearly and with confidence. The words you use and the tone of your voice are both important to conveying a confident message. Practice your answer beforehand.

Before your interview, brainstorm some ideas about what makes you uniquely suited for the position asked for of the listed requirements. Prepare three to five bullet points that you can work into your answer to show the interviewer what makes you special and why you’re the best fit for the job.

Never exaggerate or lie when answering any question during your interview, especially this one. But don’t be too humble either. If you have received any awards or recognitions for your accomplishments in relatable positions, mention them.

This is your chance to clearly highlight your best and most relevant skills, and really drive home to the interviewer that you’re the one for the job. When prepping for the interview, assume that this question will be asked, and prepare a tough answer in advance!


Picture of Swati Upadhyay

Swati Upadhyay

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