4 Interview Tips to Ace any Job Interview

4 Interview Tips to Ace any Job Interview



So you are looking forward to appearing for the job interview with your Dream Company and feeling excited as well as nervous at the same time.

Getting nervous is natural as you must be worried about your performance on D-Day. You must be preparing answers to frequently asked interview questions so that you can impress the interview panel with your well-rehearsed quick responses. You have researched the company profile and are ready with the formal attire for the interview day.

But still, you must be thinking about how to impress the interview panel and get results in your favor as many other suitable candidates would be interviewed for the same job on the same day.

Here are 4 Interview Tips which if you can follow during the interview you can hear positive news from the recruiters.

  1. Avoid Cliches:

The ultimate goal of a job interview is to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager—a positive one, of course. It is a well-known fact that hiring managers often ask the same questions (e.g., “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”). Instead of relying on the obvious answers, providing concrete evidence when responding to each question, these most frequently asked interview questions allow you to prepare some killer responses. However, don’t present yourself as overly rehearsed or robotic while answering these questions.

Try to avoid the following lines and come with some new answers:

“I’m a perfect fit for the job.”

“I’m a natural leader.”

“I’m a team player.”

“I have no weaknesses.”

“I’m a perfectionist.”

“I’m a workaholic.”

“I hated my last boss.”

  1. Talk about a Common interest:

If you want to get into the mind space of the interviewers try to talk about their interests and make the conversation interesting and exciting. You should do some research about interviewers in advance to know more about their interests and behaviors.  You even look on social media profiles to get and understand the psyche of the interviewer. Suppose one of the interviewers is interested in football, then you can frame some answers which can relate to football and the game. This way you can be recalled by the interviewer easily when they would be finalizing the selected candidate’s list.

  1. Talk something about the company:

Of course, you’re there to demonstrate that you’d be a great fit for the company. So, any time you can show that you have an interest and high level of engagement in what that organization has going on, that’s a win for you.

You must do some research about the latest news for the company or the sector in which the company is operating. Suppose you read about some awards the company has received recently or the funds they have raised or maybe they have diversified in some new segments and try to bring this information during interview conversation to let interviewers know that you are well aware of the company and it will show your genuine interest towards the job and for the company.

  1. Ask Questions:

Most of the time interviewers offer to ask questions before they conclude the session. This is a good time to earn extra marks or impress the interviewers. Never waste this opportunity and ask some questions relevant to the company or the sector or the job profile you have been interviewed for. If by any chance you haven’t talked about the company’s latest news as mentioned in point 3, try to frame some questions based on the recent news of the company and show the interviewer that you have ready about the company and are very much aware of the latest news.

It can be strange to think about preparing for these Interview Tips. But, when you’re at a job interview, every single second is an opportunity to make a positive impression and get yourself one step closer to actually landing that dream job and a secure future.

So, rather than wasting the job interview opportunity,  use these Interview tips to best leverage that chance to your advantage.


Picture of Swati Upadhyay

Swati Upadhyay

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