When the Titanic would not have been sunk?

titanic ship



Titanic the largest ship of its time and considered unsinkable sank on 15 April 1912. Is it possible that the Titanic would have never been sunk?

Titanic received as many as 6 warnings a day before it went down the waters, Many would argue that if those warnings would have been considered and proper Risk Management would have been done then the Titanic would have not sunk.

Titanic might have avoided the iceberg on 15 April 1912 but there’s always a risk involved when any ship sails, isn’t it? If not the iceberg on an unfortunate day maybe something else on some other day. There would be multiple risks associated with a ship’s voyage, probability and impact of the risk will help in understanding the likelihood of risk occurrences.

Now lets come to the question on When the Titanic would not have been sunk?

โ€œA ship is safest when anchored in a harbor, but that is not what a ship was designed for!โ€ So Titanic would have never been sunk if it would have never started!

Projects deal with change and dealing with change brings risk. Without risk, there would not be any reward. Proper risk management is imperative to the success of your projects.



Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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