Top 10 Resume Tips for Best Interview Results

Top 10 Resume Tips for Best Interview Results



Top 10 Resume Tips for writing your resume before applying for any job opening. Your resume is the most financially important document you will ever own. When it works, you work; and when it doesn’t, you don’t. Unfortunately, technology has revolutionized corporate recruitment, and you may not know what it takes to build a killer resume for today’s job search.

Research shows that recruiters take only six seconds to make their initial judgment on a resume. If your resume is screened by a computer first, it may not even get that far.  Your job, when creating a killer resume, is to make it really easy for the recruiter to spot the most important benefits you offer the employer.

  1. Objective:
    A resume objective is a short, targeted statement that clearly outlines your career direction while simultaneously positioning you as someone who fits what the employer is looking for exactly. Your objective is carefully researched and tailored to fit the job you’re applying for.
    Researching the cultural norms of the organization is worthwhile. For example, within one industry some will value experience but not care much about education, while others care about your qualifications.
  2. Brilliant Summary:
    While some people might claim that the objective statement for a resume is outdated and old-fashioned, if done properly, it can mean the difference between being on the top of the pile and ending up in the circular file.
    Remember the recruiter will scan your resume in seconds.
    You must tailor your resume for the particular job and that particular employer based on the due diligence you conducted prior to applying. Use specific keywords taken from the job posting and the company’s website. Focus the reader’s attention on the most relevant parts of your resume as they relate to the job for which you are applying.
  3. Demonstrate Progress:
    Show the recruiter that your career makes sense. Tell a story that shows promotions and additional responsibilities as you delivered value to your employer.
    List your work experience in reverse chronological order. Be sure to provide the name of the company, job title, and dates of employment. I recommend including a brief job description for each position.
  4. Include links to other sites and social media:
    Keep your resume short while demonstrating your talents by providing links to articles, photos, or websites you’ve designed, or a portfolio. Also, provide the URL for your LinkedIn profile and Twitter feed it that reflect your professional abilities.
  5. Exclude irrelevant information:
    Don’t reveal your age, race, gender, marital status, or whether you have kids. Research shows that even the most self-aware recruiters have unconscious biases. Although if you’ve taken time out for parenting or starting your own business, tell them. If you’ve been traveling, show how it has enriched you as a candidate.
  6. Style & Format:
    Stick with a basic font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Many companies have automated the application process to the point where you must upload your resume into their system, which then reads it and converts it into their back-office program.
  7. Showcase Eligibility:
    Make it easy for a recruiter to be confident that you are eligible to work without having to apply for work permits. List your education after your job history, not before it. This is sales and your relevant work experience is much more important than your academic coursework; therefore, it belongs upfront.
  8. Clear Format:
    Make sure your formatting goes hand in hand with the résumé structure to ensure recruiters can spot the key information easily. Create clear sections with easy-to-read, consistent headlines. Use an attractive font, which is also easy to read. Don’t use Word templates. If your design skills are truly terrible get someone else to do the formatting for you.
  9. Spell check:
    Obvious, perhaps, but surprisingly often spelling and grammar mistakes are what leads to a resume being put in the reject pile. Use the past tense and third person, not first person consistently throughout your resume. Edit it yourself and then get another person to read your resume with fresh eyes.
  10. Provide proof:
    Qualify your results wherever possible. Beating your targets, making great sales all provide convincing and easily digested data which demonstrate your achievements. Social proof such as promotions and customer feedback are also worthwhile.


Picture of Maria Hana

Maria Hana

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