How to overcome nervousness during an interview

How To Overcome Nervousness During An Interview


Interviews can be very stressful to most people in many different situations and it may ultimately spoil your interview and decreases your chances to climb the ladder of success. Being afraid and uptight prior to or during the interview basically affects your confidence, speech, body language, and lastly your performance. Through this article, we would like to foresee that when it happens, what specifically is going in your head and lastly we would like to give some tips to our readers on how to curb this situation.

What is behind your nervousness in an interview?

Here are some of the reasons for the nervousness in an interview although there can be other reasons as well, some of them are: –

• It is not easy for some people to feel like someone is scrutinizing and judging you, particularly when your potential livelihood and your reputation are at stake.

• Most people are worried about their abilities that whether they would be able to give the answers to the question well or not.

• Basically the unexpected questions from the interviewer make you unwell and lose your patience and ultimately you got panic.

• Sometimes not so god interview in past makes people start thinking to flub them all.

• You basically start worrying about a lot of things like whether you are qualified for this job or not and ultimately it shows all nervousness on your face.

• Sometimes you need a job desperately and that fact alone is causing you to freak out.

• Some problems of economic issues might make you nervous at the time of the interview.

Few tips for calming your nerves during an interview

• Prepare

Try to research about the company their products and missions in which you are applying as knowledge is the primary key to success in an interview. Look at them on LinkedIn and try to know more about the company.

• Plan

The key to staying calm during an interview is to have a plan. Make sure to have the printed copy of your resume a day before, iron your clothes neatly and get the directions of the company in advance.

• Arrive early and relax

At least you should try to reach a place of an interview 20 minutes before the scheduled time. After you reached their try to make your body calm and take your time in order to boost your confidence.

• Focus

Focus on your strengths During an interview just remember to focus on your strengths and let the interviewer know what he or she wants to know from you. Do not go about guessing what the interviewer will like hearing and frame your answers accordingly but instead of that be yourself.

• Remember

Remember that interviews are just conversations only It may be hard to accomplish that the interviews are only conversations but you should think of interviews as a formal dialogue between the strangers who are trying to know each other in a better way. So stay cool.

• Breathe and take your time

It is a known exercise that you should breathe deeply and relaxed as it gives you time to think deeply. An interviewer will not appreciate your quick and irrelevant answers but sensible responses may click an interview. So simply take your time.


In the end, we would like to tell you that interviews are really important to climb the ladder of success but remaining nervous in an interview does not give a positive response to the interviewer, so try to follow these simple things as given above in your interview in order to curb the nervousness inside you.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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