Why you want to leave your Job Best Interview Answer

Why you want to leave your Job Best Interview Answer



Why you want to leave your Job one of the most awkward questions during interviews isn’t it.

Planning to switch Jobs for better career growth or looking for doing MBA from a Top B-School. This is the natural question that will come your way once you face the Interview panel. So How you are going to tackle this Interview question as the answer will be like a deal maker or deal-breaker.

If you are planning to switch your Job for a one, be prepared to answer this natural question Why do you want to leave your job. But be always positive in your approach when answering this question and keep the following points in mind if you want to make an impression and crack the Interview.

  1. Do not spread a negative word about your current job and firm:

Do not be overly negative about the firm that you are currently working for, or your job. Interviewers tend to judge your personality based on this answer. If you are to disparage or undermine the firm and your colleagues, the interviewers conclude that if you were to leave their firm too (sometime in the future), you would engage in negative gossip or spread a bad word about the new firm as well. Hence, be honest, but not harsh. Explain the reason with a genuine tone and avoid negatively publicizing your current firm.

  1. Mention valid reasons as to why you want to leave your job:

The reasons why you wish to leave your current job should be valid and justifiable. If the reason is too void and shallow, the interviewers get an impression that you are not disclosing the true reason, and that further creates doubt regarding your performance and personality in their minds. Moreover, do not be too defensive about yourself or the firm. Adopt a middle ground, provide valid reasons as to why you cannot continue with your current job, and convince your interviewers with a positive tone.

  1. Elaborate your personal growth and your future endeavors:

Explain the role that your current job played in assisting you in terms of your personal as well as your professional growth. List the skills, abilities, and experience that you achieved due to the job, and consequently how it trained you to be fit for a better job. Furthermore, talk about your plans and endeavors that you have scheduled for the future and how the potential job would guide you better to achieve the same.

  1. State the differences between the two jobs:

Strategically classify the characteristics, demands, profiles, environments, etc of your current job as opposed to the job that you are interviewing for. As you state the differences between both the jobs, with each point of difference justify how the latter is more beneficial to you than the former, and also how your abilities and professional skills can be implemented in a better fashion in the new job rather than the old. While you respond to this question, expound on the mutual benefits that you would exchange with the firm.

  1. Describe your accomplishments and how you plan to implement them:

Working is the most ideal process of learning and your workplace is a training ground. Mention how your current job was a training ground for you and a space provided to you for your personal and professional progress, self-development, molding, and preparing you for a better opportunity. State your strengths and accomplishments that you have thereby achieved and how the potential company offers you a platform to exercise and implement your professional abilities to their best use. Convince the interviewers that your job has trained you to your excellence and that you are now fit to enter into a job profile that you had planned to achieve.

Hope now you are ready to face this question Why do you want to leave your Job in the next interview.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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