If you are planning to sit for the PMP certification exam or if you already have a PMP certification, you must be aware of what a PDU is. Since you landed on this page, you should be looking for free PMP PDU resources. However, do you know that 85% of professionals related to PMP certification are confused about what a PDU is? Therefore, before we delve into free PMP PDUs or professional development units in this post, we will clarify a common misconception about PMP PDUs.
If you already know what a PDU is, you can jump to the following sections:
- I do not have a PMP certification yet. I need sources for earning Free PDUs for the PMP Certification Exam
- I passed the PMP exam and have a PMP certification already. I need PMP PDUs for Renewing PMP Certification
However, we strongly recommend you read the “What is PMP PDU?” section as well.
What is PMP PDU?
PMP stands for Project Management Professional. The PMP certificate is awarded by PMI (Project Management Institute) to professionals who pass the PMP certification exam. There are certain PMP requirements that every PMP candidate must satisfy to sit for the PMP certification exam.
One of the PMP certification requirements is completing 35 contact hours of project management education. You can fulfil this requirement by attending PMP training. However, many PMP aspirants confuse contact hours with PDUs. This confusion leads many to search for “35 PDUs PMP training” or “Free PMP PDU training” to satisfy the project management education requirements for the PMP certificate. In short, if you are preparing for the PMP certification exam, PDUs are not what you need. You must look for 35 contact hours of PMP education to satisfy PMP requirements.
PDU stands for professional development unit. PDUs are related to PMP renewal. If you have a PMP certification, you must earn 60 PDUs every three years to retain your certification. There are several ways to earn PMP PDUs: attending training, webinars, online PMP PDU courses, conferences, reading books, or authoring books, among other activities.
Get your claim code for 2 FREE PDUs to help with your PMP renewal::
You will receive an email with the details from info@gururo.com.
What Is The Difference between Free Contact Hours and Free PMP PDUs?
For instance, reading a PMP book is not accepted by PMI as a source of 35 contact hours of project management education. However, if you have a PMP certification and are trying to renew it, the hours spent reading a project management book will count as free PMP PDUs. Contact hours must be instructional and taught by a project management expert or trainer. However, you can earn PDUs by self-study.
It is challenging to complete 35 contact hours of project management education with free resources. Even if you complete it, they might not be comprehensive enough to prepare you for the PMP exam. However, you can try to search. We have a free PMP PDU and free contact hours resource as well.
Free PMP PDUs for Renewing PMP certification
Do you have a PMP certification already? Are you looking for free PMP PDU resources to earn 60 PDUs? You are in the right place. You must earn 60 PMP PDUs every three years, and there are specific conditions for these PDUs. You can read all the details in our PMP PDU Requirements post.
There are two main PDU categories for earning Free PMP PDUs:
- Education Free PMP PDU Category
- Giving Back Free PMP PDU Category
PMI recently changed the PDU category names in the Education category. Now, PDUs in the Technical Project Management category are replaced with “Ways of Working”; PDUs in the Strategic and Business Management category are replaced with “Business Acumen”; PDUs in the Leadership category are replaced with “Power Skills”.
Education Free PMP PDU Category
You must earn at least 35 PDUs from the education category, with at least eight PDUs from each category of the PMI talent triangle: Ways of Working, Business Acumen, and Power Skills. While there is a minimum 35 education PDUs requirement, there is no maximum limit. So, you can earn all 60 PDUs from the education PDUs category. The only requirement is to satisfy the minimum eight PDUs from each category of the PMI talent triangle.
You can earn ONE free PMP PDUs from the education PDUs category by our 100% FREE PDU Pack.
If you are a full-time working professional, it will be challenging to search for free PMP PDU resources and attend them. You will lose time, have to attend them in person, and it is not easy.
We recommend attending an online PMP PDU course like our 60 PMP PDU Bundle. You can complete the PMP PDU courses at your own pace and in any place.
Once you complete the courses, you can claim PDUs as instructed in this link.
How Can You Earn Free PMP PDUs from the Giving Back Category?
You can earn free PMP PDUs from the giving back category if you are an active performer in the project management profession. For instance, if you are working as a project manager or if your job is related to project management, you can submit up to eight free PMP PDUs from the giving back category.
The maximum number of free PMP PDUs you can submit from the giving back category is 25 PDUs. While there is a maximum limit for the “work as a practitioner” category, there is no maximum limit for other categories of the giving back category. However, you cannot exceed the 25 maximum PDU limit from the giving back category.
You can earn free PMP PDUs in four alternative ways under the giving back category:
a) Create Content and Earn Free PMP PDUs
If you contribute to the project management world by writing an article, book, or creating blog posts, you will earn free PMP PDUs as well. PMI recognizes the enhancement of project management knowledge as a source of PMP PDUs.
b) Give a Presentation and Earn Free PMP PDUs
You can give a presentation in PMI chapters, at a professional seminar or conference, or even give a presentation to your colleagues at work about project management. These will help you earn free PMP PDUs as well.
c) Share Knowledge and Earn Free PDUs
Sharing your project management knowledge and experience with others will help you earn free PDUs. For instance, mentoring junior project management professionals, teaching your colleagues in your organization, or acting as a subject matter expert on a specific topic count under the share knowledge category of the giving back category.
d) Volunteer and Earn Free PDUs
PMI has several volunteering activities. Volunteering in these project management-related chapters and activities will earn you free PDUs as you contribute to extending project management knowledge.
If you are searching for Free PDUs, there are two options:
- Either you are willing to sit for the PMP exam and trying to earn free PDUs to satisfy the project management education requirement of the PMP exam. Then you can earn the PDUs by enrolling into our PMP Training.
- Or, you already have a PMP certification and are trying to earn free PDUs to renew your PMP certification. Then you can earn the PDUs by enrolling into our PMP renewal pack.