
Interview Strategy: How to be Confident in Interviews

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Interview Strategy is the guideline to ace any Interview. A job search can be a stressful time in a person’s life, and staying positive and motivated can make a world of difference for how a candidate is viewed through the eyes of the interviewer.

Interview nerves are a good thing. They show you care about the job and can give you that extra performance boost you need. You can make small changes to how to approach a job interview, which can make you seem more confident, even if you aren’t.

In an interview it’s important to come across as likeable. So, to maximize confidence, your energy should be focused on building a rapport with your interviewer rather than impressing him or her. Rather than trying to pretend you’re really self-confident, simply speak about your achievements, but concentrate on connecting with the people sat in front of you. Ask questions, smile, and engage with what they say.

Once the interview starts, it’s extremely difficult to correct our speaking problems because we may be too nervous or we just plain don’t notice them. Practice speaking your answers out loud so you can hear your voice and correct any pitch problems, or pacing issues before you go to your interview.

Breathing exercises and meditation techniques are excellent for keeping calm and relaxed in the face of nerves. Plus, if you get used to the benefits and ease of simply allowing yourself to breathe deeply, you’ll set yourself up for future times of stress

Do whatever you do to pump yourself up and put yourself in the mood to win, whether it’s listening to upbeat music or watching motivational YouTube videos or just reading inspirational quotes. Think about a time in your life when you succeeded to get yourself motivated.

Picturing yourself being successful at an upcoming job interview will give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. Before you go in start visualizing a successful interview, imagine how you walk to the room, shake the interviewer’s hands and answer the questions with confidence.

Don’t dress in clothes you feel ridiculous wearing. If you take some time to pick out a professional and stylish outfit you feel confident in, you’ll be more likely to exude this assurance and everything from your posture to your attitude could change for the better.

Always remember that the interview isn’t just a session to figure out what skills and experience you possess, it’s a chance for you to let your personality show and to prove that you’d be a good fit for the team.

Have confidence in yourself, believe that you’re capable of landing this job.

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