Top 10 Words to Impress any interview panel if you are looking to crack a job interview and grab your dream job with a dream company. If you are a job seeker, you always have to look for ways to improve yourself. Unfortunately, there is no single magic spell or formula that can guarantee you gainful and satisfying employment. Fortunately, you have more than just one option for every situation. The key to getting employed is to get the right information to the right people.
We can all agree that interviewing is a pretty imperfect way to evaluate a job candidate. For the interviewee, so much of the experience can feel like a game of guess-the-answer-in-the-interviewer’s-head. It’s hard to know if what you’re sharing is even remotely close to what the hiring manager is seeking.
While candidates will likely tell you they’re all those things if asked, it’s also likely they’re doing so because they know that’s what you want to hear. So find opportunities to slip these 10 words/phrases while in the interview.
Candidates with integrity should have little trouble recalling situations and the decisions they made in them that reveal their true character.
I learned…
Employers want employees who are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to accomplish tasks on the job. One important quality every employer wants to see in an employee is that they are actively learning and adapting to the working day today.
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Job seekers are fabulous at talking about what they do on the job, but what happened next? The employer is not going to understand how good or worthwhile your efforts were in the situation unless you can describe what happened when everything was said and done.
I’m really excited about that.
For many interviewers, it comes down to how excited the candidate was about the position and company. After all, someone who is enthusiastic inherently seems more motivated. Given the choice, an employer would definitely want the candidate who seemed really pumped to hit the ground running
I’ve had a lot of success with that in the past
Beyond relevant experience, hiring managers love to hear that you not only have the skills they’re looking for, but you also excel at them.
In the future…
While that plan might not stick for the rest of your career, at least having an idea of what the next three, five, and ten years will bring gives the employer a sense of security in hiring you.
With your company…
If you understand that the success of the company is directly linked to your success, it becomes a lot easier to write and say the right things.
I actually spoke to…. to learn more about that…
The employer will want to know how you’re willing to learn. More importantly, show that you are able to and that you are, in fact, already learning.
In an interview, employers want to hear from candidates the type of positive impact they will have on the company if hired
Employers are looking for candidates who are problem-solvers and are drawn toward those who speak a language that is solutions-based.