“What You Know about Company” Best Interview Answer

"What You Know about Company" Best Interview Answer



What You Know About Company: This question Interviewers ask to check whether you have done research (about the company for which you are appearing for interview ) or not. If the interviewer of the company asks “What do you know about this company?” you may think of it as an easy interview question. But don’t consider this one easy so quickly! It’s not as easy as it seems. And your answer can make a big difference in how they view you.

When being interviewed, you may be asked how much you know about the company. They probably want to know if you have done research if you are dedicated to working with that company specifically, if there are any issues you might not know about, and whether you are a good fit for the company. There is a lot of information that can be conveyed with this question.

The following are few tips to answer:

  1. Thorough research:

Almost all companies have a company profile website with all information. Job hunters can only then apply for a job as well as research the mentioned website for knowledge about the company and present in the interview if asked. In this way, more knowledge about the company can be gained.

  1. Filter out the positive aspects of the company:

In order to frame the right answer and impress the recruiter, it is important to answer the positive aspects of the company. The job hunter who has made enough research can make sure to speak about the achievements the company has made to date. If the company has many achievements then the candidate can point out particular achievements which have been best and also say a few lines about it which show his interest towards the company.

  1. Don’t go over-the-top with your compliments:

When you over-praise the company’s achievements, it may give a wrong impression of you. To avoid this kind of impression make sure not to praise too much or give an opinion about the achievement of the company. Concentrate on speaking about something special and unique which is known by everyone.

  1. Frame most of the answers from a technical view:

When the candidate speaks on technical aspects the recruiter would make out that he/she is interested and knows more technical details which are necessary for the job. In this way, chances to get selected are more.

  1. Research the failures of the company as well:

By reading through the failures the candidate can make sure what to speak and what not to speak. Speaking about failures should be avoided in the interview.

Try to avoid these pitfalls.

  1. If the interviewer shares some information about the company, you should respond to them. Acknowledge it and communicate your interest. Keep the interaction going.
  2. Don’t mention rants of some disgruntled employee or personal things about staff or interviewers!
  3. Don’t speak for too long. Being knowledgeable is good, but they will already know everything you could say.


Like all interview questions, remember to make some key points and then wrap it up with something that helps tie you to the job. But don’t turn this into a long essay. It’s only one of many questions.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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