What is your long-Term Goal – Best Answer for Interview

What is the best answer for long term goals?



What is your long-Term Goal – This is a question which might force you to share your future career plans with the interview panel. An interviewer during a job interview might ask you the question, “What are your long-term career goals?”An employer will ask you this type of question for a number of reasons. He or she wants to know whether or not you have any long-term visions or plans. Employers also want to know whether you plan to stay at their company for a while or if you are considering leaving at the soonest opportunity.

Goals are always changing. Most employers ask in order to see if you are going to commit to the company and judge whether or not you have ambition. It is also used as a measure of the ambition of the candidate. How much ambition is wanted/needed is dependent upon the role.

Most hiring managers are looking for employees that will stay at their company long term, therefore, your response should show you’re committed to working at the company for a while.

Employers want to hire people who are motivated to perform well on the job. So, when describing your long-term goals, it’s important to underline what makes you want to go to work every day.

Start with short-term goals, then move to long-term goals. You probably have a good sense of your short-term goals, such as getting a job with an employer like the one you are interviewing for. Start by describing these goals, then move on to more long-term plans.

Show the interviewer that you have put some thought into your professional career. He or she will be impressed if you can concisely and clearly answer the question. You need to strike a balance between ambition and realism. Focus on the attributes of your future position such as project oversight, working closely with important clients, or creative problem-solving.

Hiring managers are searching for evidence that your goals align with the company’s goals, part of your interview preparation is to read up on the organization’s mission and values- and find spaces where your long-term goals overlap.

Don’t focus on goals related to earnings, increments, bonuses, or perks. You want to focus on the work you hope to achieve, rather than the money you want to make.

While you want to present clear goals, do not get into too many details. For example, if you know you want to work for a particular company in a particular position, don’t share this with an employer. Emphasize more general goals, such as taking on particular responsibilities. This allows you to balance clear aims with a flexible attitude.

Remember to answer each interview question behaviorally, whether it is a behavioral question or not. The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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