Is Canada a worthy destination for Indian students?

Is Canada a worthy destination for Indian students?



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Canada has always been a standout destination for international students, particularly Indian students. One of the primary reasons is the high-quality education it provides at a low cost. The country is safe, secure, and friendly. The living standards are very high, the people are diverse, and the country provides an abundance of opportunities. Nearly 500,000 international students choose Canada as their study destination annually. The country treats immigrants as if they were its own, providing them with the same rights as Canadians. Respect for human rights, equality, and a stable and peaceful society define Canadians. In this article we will understand Is Canada a worthy destination for Indian students?

Presence of Top Institutions

In terms of academic performance and graduate employability, Canadian universities have a long history and reputation. Many Canadian institutions compete with world-renowned universities in the world. The Canadian government places a high value on education and invests the most in education in the world to ensure that students receive the best education possible. Universities and colleges in Canada are well known for their research and innovation. A substantial amount of research conducted in Canada has resulted in intriguing theories and notable discoveries. Canadian universities and colleges have world-class facilities, sports, extracurricular activities, and cultural programmes. The students enjoy their stay so much that they decide to make it their permanent residence.

Canada is a melting pot of different ethnicities, races, cultures, and linguistic origins; in fact, more than half of the population does not speak English as their first language. Because Canada has a high rate of immigration, it is home to a diverse population, you will be surrounded by a large multicultural environment, both in and out of the classroom, with over 1,20,000 international students each year, allowing you to easily adapt and make friends.

The Education system in India Vs Canada

Canadian Vs Indian system

Pre-primary (kindergarten), primary (1st to 8th grade), secondary (9th to 10th grade), and higher secondary education are all available in India (11th to 12th grade). After the 12th grade, students can immediately enroll in any professional course of their choice, resulting in a shorter period of study to become a professional. Uniforms are highly valued and strictly enforced in Indian schools.

The Canadian system of Education in Canada is generally divided into primary education, secondary education, and post-secondary. These three levels combined are sometimes referred to as K-12 (kindergarten through 12th grade). After the 12th, students can apply to universities based on their interests.


Even the lower classes in India have formal exams, putting pressure on them from a young age to perform well. Parents are stressed as well, and they cancel all other activities to focus solely on creating a study environment for their children. Most exams assess your ability to memorize rather than your ability to think critically and creatively. The emphasis in the Indian system is on memorization. Students focus on soaking up as much information as possible. As a result, Indian students perform poorly in “soft” subjects and critical independent thinking in general. Personality development and social skills are generally ignored in schools, and our grade is determined by how well we perform on the midterm or final exam

Each province in Canada has its own set of standardized exams. However, the Canadian system, like the US system, allows creative children to excel, and exams are a regular part of the curriculum, so students do not need to prepare ahead of time. Although this changes as students progress to higher level classes where they must prepare ahead of time, it is not as stressful. The Canadian system emphasizes soft skills and developing more rounded competitors with a broader range of knowledge. Assignments, quizzes, daily homework, and so on do not carry much weight in terms of final grades, unlike in Canada.


In India, only the 12th grade is considered for college admission, as opposed to the continuous and comprehensive evaluation from 9th to 12th grade in the United States. As a result, there is less pressure to maintain grades throughout the four years. The majority of the grades are A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D, and F.

Canada does not have a standardized grading system; instead, it varies by province. It varies depending on where you live, the university you attend, and the type of education you pursue. Much of what the US follows is followed by the gardening scale. It can range between a 4 and a 9 grading scale. Some universities even use alphabetical grades, numerical scores, and percentages that vary by region or university. The grades will be A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, and F based on the percentage obtained. Teachers give out tests, grade quizzes, and performances, and then convert them to a scale of 100.

Syllabus and textbooks

Canada does not have a national curriculum but depends on each province. Curriculum developers, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders contribute to cyclical revisions of the curriculum. At all grade levels, the curriculum is designed to support disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning while also allowing for a variety of learning environments.

The job is well organized and streamlined. The emphasis is largely on engaging in entertaining, creative learning activities and projects for kids. By teaching youngsters how to learn, they prepare them for the future.

Indian schools require students to carry more books than American schools do. Even the lower levels must carry a large number of textbooks and books each day to school. The educational system is more rigid and more dependent on homework.

Career and Growth Opportunities

Canada is one of the most wonderful places to work. The country offers exciting career opportunities, high-quality education, and a good quality health care system for all ages. Canada has slowly become a hotspot for international students, especially Indian students. Every year 100s of Indians flock towards the Canadian borders for either studies or just a vacation. The welcoming and warm attitude of the natives attract makes it an ideal place for students to learn and grow. The government invests a lot of sum towards education. Canada has a strong research and development community, including national research programs. Every year the community attracts thousands and retains the world’s most promising and accomplished minds.

One of the most exciting things about Canada is that it values entrepreneurs. If you have a business idea that is groundbreaking and will impact the globe, you will be able to bag investors and ventures and get appropriate funding from there.

Job searching is always difficult, but it is especially difficult and frustrating for international students. Employers frequently expressed reluctance to hire international students. Employers may be unaware of cultural differences and visa requirements, making it difficult for international students to find work. It is your responsibility to provide this information to potential employers. The job market in Canada is likely to be vastly different from that in your home country, and you should do everything you can to learn about it.

However, unlike in the United States, companies here welcome diversity, making it much easier to get hired if you have a strong skill set. Jobs and opportunities abound and are varied. You will be able to easily settle and work in a firm of your liking.

Academic Environment

The educational environment in Canada is diverse and multicultural. Students can choose between English and French (or both). Even the teachers and instructors are welcoming and encouraging. This country is known for its diversity and inclusiveness. These characteristics will be noticeable in the classroom. People of all backgrounds, religions, beliefs, sexual orientations and abilities are welcome in the country. Counseling and career services are available at all levels of Canadian universities and schools to help guide important decisions and set students on the path to success.

Colleges and universities across Canada are committed to providing students and teachers with safe places to study and work. The hallmarks of the Canadian educational system are safety, security, and respect. Academic freedom, excellence, and innovation are valued in Canadian classrooms. The standard of education in Canada is high at all levels. You will be encouraged to conduct original research and share your ideas on important issues in your field of study as a student in Canada. You will be able to work with other students, teachers, instructors, and professors in a collaborative environment. All of this will provide you with limitless opportunities for personal and professional development.

Throughout the year, events, festivals, and other activities are held on all Canadian campuses. This helps you network and meet new people while also creating a happy and lively environment for all of the students.

Support for International Students

For international students, Canada is a popular study abroad destination. It can, however, be an expensive destination. Even though it is less expensive than in most countries, if you ever feel financially challenged, the government has implemented several options that students can use while studying.
One of them is Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP), which allows students to stay and work in the country for up to three years after graduation. You can gain international work experience and later apply for permanent residency.
Canada, as a top destination for international students, has a growing number of students because the country has a transparent and accessible visa application process. When you have been accepted to a Canadian university, you can begin the application process for a student visa.

Canada allows all international students to work up to 20 hours per week during their semesters and full-time during the summer and winter breaks due to special regulations. You would not need an additional work permit to work on campus or as an intern in any company because your study permit is sufficient to help you find a part-time job.

Is Canada a worthy destination for Indian students?

Is Canada a good option for international studies? Yes, it most certainly is. Even though living expenses are higher than in India, they are lower than in other developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. However, it will be a good investment because the country is known for its quality education system, low tuition fees, and welcoming environment for students to thrive. It also offers you excellent job opportunities and prospects. Because of the exposure resources and overall value of research and development, most professionals and postgraduates choose Canada as their work destination.

The Canadian government has spent millions of dollars on education, attracting billions of international students each year. This not only positions the country as one of the best places for education but also contributes to the overall growth and prosperity of the country. Companies and multinational corporations are very open to diversity. As a result, everyone is on an equal playing field, and the only way to advance is through the skill set and knowledge you possess. As a result, Canada is one of the best countries for international studies, particularly for Indian students.


Picture of kajal.borhade


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