infosys on-campus interview experience

infosys on-campus interview experience 2021



Infosys Interview Experience with cracking tips and interview winning strategy for coming campus placement interviews.

Campus Placement Interview is one of the strong memory which last forever.  Here’s one success story and winning interview tips which helped crack Infosys Interview during campus placement.

I had an amazing experience in Infosys. The experience with this organization has prepared me for the challenges ahead in life. But to land up as a system engineer in Infosys was also a challenging task for which I fought tooth and nail.

So the journey started like this:

I was a 4th-year student in a college in Karnataka. And Infosys was a promising recruiter over there. So as all other years, Infosys was again on our campus.

We had a 2-day process: On the first day, we had an aptitude test, that entailed aptitude and verbal ability questions. It was a screening round; not everyone proceeded to the second round.

On the 2nd day, we had interviews scheduled for the students who successfully went through the first round. And I was one of those successful students.

Though I don’t have good memory retention, here’s a transcript of my interview as far as I can recollect:

Me (knocking and sliding the door): Can I come in?

Interviewer: Yes, sure!

Me (in a nervous state): Good morning sir.

Interviewer: A very good morning. So, how are you?

Me: I am excited as well as nervous.

Interviewer ( with a smiling face): Why excited and why nervous?

Me: Excited because I am sitting here for an interview and nervous because I am sitting here for an interview ( I am a sarcastic person, but I don’t know why I said this during my interview)

Interviewer ( started laughing which assured me that he was not there to devour me): Oh, I liked your statement.

[So, hereafter interview was more of a conversation. Since I had a computer engineering background, he probed me for my technical know-how and asked me questions on computer languages like C, C++.Admittedly, my interview had a blend of technical and HR questions. I was asked that being from a business family why I want to get into a job, or why I can’t be an entrepreneur – to which I asked that first I have to equip my knowledge that how the business world works, what are the skills needed to lead a business and so on…]

Share at least 3 Questions asked during this Interview 

Why you want to join Infosys? ,

To be an entrepreneur, I first need to equip my technical know-how, business knowledge that how the business world works, what are the skills needed to lead a business.

What computer languages do you know?,

I know C, C++, Java. 

and many questions on my summer internship projects were asked

Questions on summer internship project are subjective, i.e., will be based on your project particularly

What is the most important factor to Ace an Interview ?

you should know yourself inside out and you should know every point on your CV in detail

How should a person prepare for the Interviews ?

For on-campus placements, a student starts getting prepared for the interview from the very 1st day of the college. The course knowledge and the confidence keep on building day by day. But in the end, as per the company’s requirements, a student should buck up and should prepare rigorously on each and every aspect needed.

What Interviewers look for in a Candidate ?

Interviewer seeks a decent subject knowledge, positive attitude, good communication skills, discipline , good learning ability and adaptive nature from interviewee

Please provide marks out of 100 on below skills to ace an interview

Skills Marks
Confidence 100
Communication Skills 90
Body Language 65
Attitude 95
Subject Knowledge 80

So, here are a few takeaways from my interview:

  • The start should be excellent. The first impression does matter a lot.
  • Be a personality who can transform an interview into a healthy discussion. If you are there for a job, the interviewer is also there for a future employee.
  • Brush up your communication skills. While speaking, you should be flawless.
  • If you commit a mistake, beg a pardon and keep going. After all, to err is human.
  • You should have a decent knowledge of the profile for which you are getting interviewed.
  • And, the most important thing is that you should know yourself inside out. What is your five-year plan or 10-year plan? What’s your hobby? Places you will like to visit?Means get acquainted with anything and everything about you. You can only explain yourself to an interviewer if you are aware of


Picture of Maria Hana

Maria Hana

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