
Why you want to change the Job – Best Interview Answer

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Why you want to change the Job – This is most common Job Interview Question for Working Professionals and one needs to convince the Interviewer about his reason to get the desired results and grab the Job Offer.

It’s always important to be honest in a job interview, but no question will cause you to stretch the truth as much as this one. Hiring managers are often curious about why you want to change sectors. They want to hear that you’re leaving for the right reasons – a better opportunity, more challenges, and career growth.

Your interviewer will want to be sure that you aren’t leaving your job because of poor performance, difficult working relationships, or because you hate your job or your boss. When responding to questions about why you are switching sectors, it’s important to provide reassurance that you are moving on for career reasons, not just to get out of a bad work situation.

If you’re changing sectors, you’ll face some tough questions during a job interview. Employers may be concerned about your commitment to a new field, lack of experience, and more. You can make headway with hiring decisions when you give the interviewer convincing reasons why your lack of experience doesn’t matter. If there is anything that is dissatisfying about your current position, this is where you might share that information and unintentionally emit a negative vibe, a very bad impression to make.

Interviewers ask this question mainly to determine whether you’ve put enough consideration into such a big decision. Have a planned, authentic response. Emphasize the positive reasons why you are targeting a job with their organization. Refer to specific aspects of the work, company culture and employer which correspond well with your interests and skills. Placing the focus upon your potential employer subtly redirects the conversation from your previous work experience to your strong potential as their next employee.

To answer the question effectively, talk about what you want to create instead of what you’re trying to avoid. Talk about the opportunities you see at the company where you’re interviewing, and how you’d like to work within its mission while bringing value to the position. Find ways to talk about what you like about your current position and how you’re interested in transferring those skills and experiences into the context of a new employer. Confirm what you have learned about their company from the research you have done and how you see yourself optimizing your previous experiences in order to positively impact the potential employer’s long term growth.

Integrate positive references about your current sector in your response, so that it is clear that you are not fleeing a bad situation. You are just seeking to improve upon an already good situation.

Be sure to avoid sharing any proprietary information or painting an overly negative picture of your current employer’s situation, though. It is to your benefit to be conversational in your interview. This question could serve as a good opportunity for you to ask about the interviewer’s background. After you’ve given your own answers, have the interviewer describe how their career ended up where it did and how they’ve liked the new challenge.

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