Microsoft Excel - Tips and Tricks

Course Details

Course Duration

Approx. 1 hour

Course Price

₹ 499.00

Course Level


Free for Elite member

Course Description

Do you use Microsoft Excel but unable to make the most out of it? Do you want to Increase your productivity by many factors?

Then you are at the right place! Learn Excel Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks that will make you stand out.

Everyday, for most of the hours of your day, you work on your excel. And if you are like most people, that means hand on your mouse, clicking on menus, moving a slow digital finger and pointing and clicking. What if you could do you work in half the time, or do twice as much in the same amount of time it takes you today?

By the end of this live class, You will become FASTER in excel.

A basic knowledge of how to use Excel is needed


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