Product Manager Jobs Interview Questions | Top 50 to Prepare

Product Manager Jobs Interview Questions | Top 50 to Prepare



Product Manager Jobs are very much in demand in this Internet and ECommerce era. A product manager has to be resilient, strategic, and insightful. This means the hiring company will ask a multitude of questions to figure out if you are the one. They want a person who is motivated to do the job, can work with multiple types of teams and has the ability to prioritize features that they already know users are looking for.

Here’s a list of 50 questions you can expect to be asked in a product management interview for you to prepare.

  1. What aspects of product management do you find the most exciting?
  2. What aspects of product management do you find the least interesting?
  3. Give me an example when you had to influence others who disagreed with you
  4. How do you make decisions when disagreeing with exec team members or key stakeholders? How do you manage conflict in these situations?
  5. How did you handle disagreements with key stakeholders, whether engineers, cross-team dependencies, or executives?
  6. If I spoke to your colleagues, what misperceptions about you would I hear?
  7. How would you explain Product Management to a 5-year-old?
  8. How do you think product managers interact with engineers?
  9. What do you think a day to day would be like for a product manager?
  10. What is a product you currently use every day, why and how would you improve it?
  11. How do you know if a product is well designed?
  12. Who are our competitors?
  13. What is a major challenge our company will face in the next 12-24 months?
  14. How would you describe our product to someone?
  15. Suggest a new feature for Amazon. What metrics would you use to measure its success?
  16. What metrics do you think would be important for us to track?
  17. What kinds of people do you have a hard time working with?
  18. What do you dislike about our product?
  19. What has made the product successful?
  20. Tell me about a time you used data to make a decision.
  21. Tell me about a time you had to influence someone.
  22. Tell me about how you interact with customers/users?
  23. Talk about how you overcame product failures/challenges or poor feedback.
  24. Tell me about a challenging issue or challenge you took on
  1. Tell me about a time when you had to build or motivate a team
  2. Tell me about your role on your team, who else you work with, and how you work with them.
  3. Share some insights on how you would improve our product.
  4. What is the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?
  5. What do you need from your manager to be successful?
  6. Why should we hire you?
  7. If a company gives free Wi-Fi to customers at Starbucks, what’s the revenue opportunity?
  8. You need to prioritize between Project A and Project B. Tell me your process or methodology for choosing the best one?
  9. Give me an example when you had to influence others who disagreed with you
  10. Tell me how you would build a product roadmap.
  11. How do you manage conflict in these situations?
  12. How will you decide which features to build?
  13. Walk me through a time where you figured out what to build. How did you get to the decision to move forward? What was that process?
  14. Tell me about a product you worked on that failed, and what you learned.
  15. If you were to change anything about the project, what would you have done differently and why?
  16. Walk me through a successful major project you were heavily involved in, and tell me about your role throughout the project.
  17. Tell me what the job is you’re applying for, and why it’s a great fit for your career.
  18. How does information generally flow between these teams? Are there regular meetings between team leaders?
  19. Take me through how you would build an alarm clock for someone who is hearing-impaired.
  20. What feature would you like to see on the iPhone?
  21. How do you know if a product launch is successful?
  22. Tell me how you would approach working with our development team.
  23. If I spoke to your coworkers, what would they say about you?
  24. What is the difference between waterfall and agile methodologies, and which do you prefer?
  25. Which metrics will be most important to track for our product?
  26. Talk about a product which you built and you are proud of.


Picture of Sonia Rai

Sonia Rai

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