How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Join Our Company?” Best response

How to Answer "Why Do You Want to Join Our Company?" Best response



You must prepare the Why This Company HR Question if you want to convince the Interview panel about your passion and interest in their company.

With this question, employers are evaluating how passionate the candidate is about the opportunity, whether the candidate has performed extensive research, what the candidate knows about the organization, and whether the company can provide the candidate a better opportunity.

The interviewer is looking for an answer that indicates you’ve thought about where you want to work, that you’re not just sending your resume to any company with a job opening. Researching the company and industry before your interview will make you stand out as a more informed and competent applicant.

Search company Web sites for mission statements, product and service information, principals’ backgrounds, and contact information. First, the employer is gauging your level of research. This shows how interested you are in their organization and job opportunity. Second, they are assessing whether they can actually provide you with a better opportunity than your current employer.

A good answer will demonstrate a knowledge of the company and industry. That means you must do your homework so that you can identify specific reasons for wanting to work for the firm.

Hopefully, you can also highlight how these areas match your interests. The ultimate answer will illustrate how the potential employer can satisfy interests your current company cannot. You must do research before the interview and come up with two or three reasons you want to work for the company. It would also be beneficial to think of at least two reasons this job is a good match for your skills, strengths, experience, and background. What can you bring to the company? Write down your thoughts and rehearse them as part of your script.

Most candidates fall into answers related to culture or a lifelong dream to do this work. But the candidate that can move beyond an attractive culture or lifelong dream and put their skills into the context of the employer and will move beyond other candidates

There are no right or wrong answers to this question. Your answer should reflect that you have thought about what you want and have researched the company. Let the interviewer know you are being selective about where you want to work and you’re not just going to take any job offered to you. Demonstrate that this is the company you want to work for, a little flattery will go a long way.


Picture of Maria Hana

Maria Hana

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